Thanks is a serious word

I believe the saying that a successful person is only so because of the hidden people who support them. True, in my opinion. As for this 100th world record attempt, I am only succeeding (well, I think I am!) because of the countless individuals and businesses which have supported me along the way, even if only for a few minutes. Thanks to you all.

I remember the smallest of favours being done for me – being handed a roll of tape with which I could seal a plastic sleeve, being allowed to use a wall plug to charge my laptop, being handed a bottle of water from which I could slake my great thirst. I also remember big favours I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing during this journey – a free ship passage to get me from one Indonesian island to the next, friends asking friends to accommodate me in distant locations, bus tickets being handed to me by surprise. People have been good to me; very good to me. Thanks to you all.

Though I’m only halfway along this route, more-or-less, the goodness I’m seeing is definitely heartening. How can I tell the world? I’m casting my mind back to my own friends who warned me to stay away from “those Muslim countries” if I valued my life. Well folks, friends and acquaintances, here’s a strong word for you: you have no right whatsoever to make such a judgment regarding where you have never tread. The hospitality, generosity and warm welcomes I experience by the day here are memorable. If only you were with me, you’d know how good it feels to be weaving my way, alone, through Bornean society. It’s good. It’s very good indeed.

So again, to everyone who’s crossed paths with me to date during this journey, a big thanks for being so lovely. Whether we met for a handful of minutes on a busy street or whether I’ve spent days and nights in your company, you’ve been good to me. And that’s what makes life memorable. It’s because of you that my trip is good so far. I hope this continues all the way to the event’s conclusion. Thanks to you all.

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