Tag Archive: Bondage and self-torture

Kids – they’re kids, no matter in what country

Politics has ruined the planet when it comes to national identities, civic pride and racism. We see social segregation nearly everywhere, from urban planners’ charts to international travel regulations and the bias published in historical accounts. But you know what?…
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Into that hotel!

Hotels seemed to be becoming a feature of my world record attempt journey around Borneo. Not that I planned it that way; this was how things were materialising for me. As the chauffer drove into Balikpapan, I was notified by…
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River dumpers

I walked off the jetty in yet another Bornean town the name of which escapes me. All I can remember is its pronunciation sounded similar to “Arnold Schwarzenegger”. It was time to walk again, and this time I was walking…
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Paradise speed cruise

Clutching my next speedboat ticket, I descended the concrete steps to the vessel undulating gently against the pier in the wake of small craft dashing around nearby. Seating space was limited and the boat was crammed. I forced my knees…
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